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Still Hurrying Children

Look for solutions rather than punishments. Children need to learn how to fix their mistakes, not just pay for them.
Rebecca Eanes, author of Positive Parenting

David Elkind, the author of the well-known book, The Hurried Child, wrote this in an article in Psychology Today: "Hurrying children is a problem that has always been with us. It was recognized and commented on by our most gifted educational theorists. In response to hurrying, they have all returned to the same fundamental principle, namely, that childrearing and education should be adapted to the growing needs, interests and abilities of children...Freidrich Froebel, inventor of the kindergarten, wrote, 'The, child, the boy, the man should know no other endeavor, but to be at every stage of development, what that stage calls for.' Famed Italian Educator, Maria Montessori said, 'The Child's work is to create the man that is to be. The adult will be a fully harmonious individual only if he has been able, at each preceding stage, to live as nature intended him to.'

"The irony is that no one believes in hurrying children. No parent, educator, or legislator I ever spoke to believes in pressuring children to do things well beyond what they are capable of doing. 'I don't believe in hurrying children but,’ and there is always a but. A parent says, ‘I don't believe in hurrying but if I don't put my child in soccer, he will have no one to play with and won't make the team.' And the educator says ‘I don't believe in hurrying but the curriculum says I have to teach reading in kindergarten.’ The legislator says she does not believe in hurrying but that is what her constituents want. If we want healthy, happy children who can compete in an increasingly global economy, we have to get beyond the But. We have to use what we know about healthy childrearing and education."

Source: "The Price of Hurrying Children," by David Elkind, Ph.D., Psychology Today, June 27, 2008.

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