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Get Out of Your Rut

When we see a behavior that is 'problematic' or 'confusing', the first question we should ask is not 'How do we get rid of this behavior?' but rather ‘What is this telling us about the child?’
Mona Delahooke, pediatric psychologist

In her Psychology Today article, "How to Think Outside the Box: Simple Ways to Get Out of a Rut," Patty Chang Anker urges a number of techniques for shaking life up a bit. Here's one:

"Go away with people who don’t know you – i.e. go on a retreat. This is a double whammy because you get outside your routine and outside the parameters of what people who know you think of you. Mommies don’t have to mother while on retreat, executives don’t have to be in charge. The 'serious one' can relax and laugh as much as they want, the 'follower' can float ingenious ideas they’d be too intimidated to at home. In my sad and anxious times, I found retreats healing escapes; in my healthy and vibrant times they’ve been a place to network and make friends. Every time, I come back a different version of myself, more in tune with how I want to be."

Source: “How to Think Outside the Box” by Patty Chang Anker, Psychology Today, October 31, 2015

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