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Tips for Fundraising

"Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them.  The least we can do is try to be there." - Annie Dillard


In the best-selling Exchange publication, The Art of Leadership:  Managing Early Childhood Organizations, Roger Neugebauer shares these fundraising success stories from center directors...

*  Make sure it's time efficient.  People's time is a valuable resource and should not be squandered on fundraising projects that generate a small return on time invested . . .

*  Sell what people already plan to buy.  It is easier to sell someone something they already intend to buy than to create an interest . . .

*  Build on your strengths.  When thinking of a fundraising idea, you should think first about sticking to your knitting.  Think of a project where you can use the skills and experience your organization already possesses . . .

*  Make it unique to your organization.  To make an appropriate and memorable fundraiser, tie the project into a unique feature of your organization . . .

*  Capture the PR value of your fundraiser.  Fundraising projects can increase the visibility of your organization in addition to generating funds.  In the long run, the heightened recognition from a fundraiser may be of more value than the funds raised . . .

To check out Art of Leadership, click here.

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