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I Do Not Want to Leave!

And here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

"Sooner or later, most children will put parents through the ordeal of appearing to not want to leave by acting indifferent or dramatically, refusing to leave — or acting up at the sight of parents and creating an awkward situation," observed Jim Greenman in his article, "No Surprises: Reducing Staff-Parent Tensions," which is included in the Exchange Essentials article collection, Leadership Challenges.

"We should know and explain to parents that the least likely explanation is that the child actually has weighed the home/child care settings and elected to stay at the center because he likes the staff so much. We can save parents some guilt and sorrow (that may strain the parent-staff relationship) if we anticipate the occurrence and explain to parents that it will happen — and that some of the reasons for the behavior include an assertion of independence or stubbornness, wanting parents to experience their world, or separation emotions that may translate into trying behavior when they see the one person in the world they are closest to."

Kaplan – The 2016 Early Childhood Catalog is Now Available!

Scholastic, Big Day - Proven Effective to Ensure Kindergarten Readiness.


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