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Being A Meeting Leader

"Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness.  It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." - Helen Keller


The September 2003 issue of "Work & Family Life" contained this advice from Gordon Mack on how to facilitate a meeting:

*  Offer encouragement.  Recognize group members' contributions.   Validate their opinions, ideas and feelings.

*  Be a mediator.   Resolve disagreements among group members by offering compromises, legitimizing the existence of different opinions or suggesting a creative solution that integrates mutual concerns.

*  Act as a gatekeeper.  Help keep communication open by inviting quieter members to speak or proposing procedures to give everyone equal time.

*  Comment on the process.  Point out when the group develops an especially effective way to dealing with a task. Summarize what was accomplished.  Let people know when you agree with the group's decision.

For subscription information on "Work & Family Life" write to [email protected]

For more ideas on managing meetings, go to the Exchange Article Archives at and type in the keyword meetings.

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