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Act Quickly to Collect Fees

The development of language is part of the development of the personality, for words are the natural means of expressing thoughts and establishing understanding between people.
Maria Montessori

In Exchange Press's The Art of Leadership: Managing Early Childhood Programs, the chapter, "Nine Steps to Headache-Free Fee Collection" offers this advice...

"Quickness counts. As one director recounted, 'I have found that I can avoid most serious problems by contacting delinquent parents immediately with a gentle reminder. Once a family falls more than a month behind, they seldom catch up.'

"For a parent who is late in paying only rarely, a written notice of delinquency will probably suffice. However, for chronic late payers, immediate personal contact may be required. Those who make a practice of not paying bills on time are not likely to be influenced by form letters, no matter how threatening.  When negotiating with a parent over a late payment, it is important not to show anger or disrespect. Work at maintaining the dignity of the parent, and your own dignity will remain intact."

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