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We the Parents

When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel.
Harold Kushner

"Parents have every right to question us, demand from us, and at times be difficult with us," writes Dennis Vicars in his article, "We the Parents,' in the special July/August, 2013 issue of Exchange focusing on Rights.  In this article, in which he proposes a "Parents Bill of Rights," Vicars observes...

"[Parents] have placed supreme confidence in us or they would not have enrolled their child with us.  So much in life is about attitude, and when we can change ours to reflect that of a parent (our customer) we begin to take on a partnership that is in the best interest of the child.  A parent who questions us wants to join us in the growth and development of their child.  A parent who demands from us is being an advocate for their child.  A parent who is difficult is asking us to help them overcome their guilt, anxiety, and stress that require our patience, education, and open-mindedness.  These parents are asking us to save them because they don’t want to leave us.  No three-year-old child writes a tuition check, so we had better make sure that mom and dad are cared for and have the ability and encouragement to participate in their child’s care and education.

"I believe so strongly in customer service to our parents because I am honored that they would choose me to help care for and educate their most prized possession.  I also know that the magic tri­angle of success for a child can only take place if child, teacher, and parent are working together as a team.  I can think of no other field that has to reconfirm to their customer on a daily basis that they made a good purchasing decision.  No other field has the responsibility for a young life like we have in ECE and, therefore, we owe parents the respect they deserve for the trust they have displayed in choosing us to care for and help shape their child’s life."

Are You Growing Strong Readers? Webinar Series with Follett

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