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The Rewards of Leadership

One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.
Maya Angelou

The article, "To Profit or Not to Profit: That Is the Tough Question," in the popular Exchange guidebook, The Art of Leadership:  Managing Early Childhood Organizations, includes these thoughts on the rewards of leaders in nonprofit and for profit early childhood organizations:

"According to conventional wisdom, nonprofit organizations are mission-driven and for profit businesses are profit-driven.  In the real world, motivation is not so simple....

"Most child care entrepreneurs have a strong belief in the importance of early education and see their business venture as making a difference for families and children.  At the same time, they do have a strong economic incentive — if their business fails, chances are they will lose their life savings, as well as funds they may have borrowed from friends and relatives.

"Individuals who aspire to leadership positions in the non profit sector clearly have a desire to contribute to society.  Typically as they develop their leadership skills, they also become motivated to become effective in managing the business side of their organization.  However, their rewards for success are limited.

"If they are successful in growing their non profit into a successful, stable community institution, they can enjoy great satisfaction in this accomplishment.  Along the way, too, they will undoubtedly receive recognition in their community and their profession.  And, as the organization grows, their compensation package can grow (within strict limits).  However, when they retire, they cannot reap any financial benefits (other than a farewell dinner, a gold watch, and possibly a modest retirement package) for their contributions."


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