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What is Happening to Play?

The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.
William Dean Howells

In his article, "The Connection Between Play and Character," in the Beginnings Workshop curriculum unit Imagination, David Elkind asserts...

"Free, spontaneous, and self-initiated play was once the norm for young children.  This is no longer the case.  Even toys for infants both talk and move with little left to the child's imagination....  Both parents and early childhood educators, who once encouraged young children to choose their own activities, are being pressured to replace them with adult directed games, sports, and academic instruction.

"All of this reflects a changed conception of the meaning and value of play.  Free, spontaneous, and self-initiated play was once welcomed as a measure of healthy growth and development.  Today, however, true play is often looked upon as frivolous and a waste of time.  Only toys and games that are educational, in the sense of teaching concepts such as colors, or tool skills such as reading, are worthwhile.  In short, even for young children, promoting academic and athletic achievement is now seen to be more important than the encouragement of imagination and creativity."

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