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Life-long Learning

Just to be alive is a grand thing.
Agatha Christie

"The best educators I know," observed Nancy Rosenow in her book, Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature, "are curious, passionate about ideas, always ready to explore something new."

"It's all too easy in the hustle and bustle of daily life, to simply neglect to make time to pursue new interests that will push our thinking in new directions. I believe one of the greatest gifts we can give children is to become committed to supporting our own learning. I remember my third grade teacher doing just that. She was always excited about some new idea or interest, and we were the lucky beneficiaries of her enthusiasms. One month it was her discovery of e.e. cummings' poetry she shared with us through animated recitations. The next it was her interest in Renoir, which she explained was sparked by a visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art....

"Even after all these years I can picture how she shared her passions with us — face aglow, overflowing with joy. I still have a postcard of a Renoir painting I bought for myself after hearing my teacher's rapturous descriptions.... I don't think cummings' poetry or Renoir's art were part of the standard curriculum, but I remember more about them than anything else I studied that year. Most importantly, I became interested in poetry and art.... I wanted to learn more. My teacher... gave me a gift I've enjoyed my whole life. All children deserve teachers who do the same for them."

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