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Social Media and Kids

Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.
Welsh Proverb

In a report of the Sesame Street-founded Joan Ganz Cooney Center, Kids Online: A new research agenda for understanding social networking forums, Sara Grimes and Deborah Fields conclude that more research is needed to understand children and teenagers' social-media habits.  The authors raise concerns about the lack of substantive research on children's social-media habits and the rising popularity of social networking sites marketed toward youths. 

addition, the authors issue a call for... "more research into the practices of the adults who design, manage, and regulate children’s social networking, including discussion of how developers are negotiating child-specific legal policies, marketing tactics, and age-related content or restrictions on activities.  This also reflects a need to understand how children themselves navigate these legal policies, manage their information and privacy online, push back against site designs, produce content, and influence site development."

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