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Rage to Master

Once when her brothers were fighting over who got more spaghetti for dinner, her mother said, ‘You don’t look at another person’s plate to see if they have more than you. You look to see if they have enough.
Jodi Picoult, from A Spark of Light

In her article "Predicting Artistic Brilliance," in Scientific American Mind (November 2012), Jennifer Drake identified five characteristics that foretell artistic creativity:

"A budding arti
st's drawings are often well composed and display either a decorative, colorful aspect or an expressive power.  The child also has a hunger to look at art, possesses an enormous drive to create, and wants to be original.  Last, we contend that outstanding artists, and perhaps geniuses in all domains, not only possess innate talent but also are intrinsically motivated in a way that others may not be — something we call the rage to master."

Childcare Management & TimeClock
Track arrival/departures & pickups. Attendance-based billing made easy. Multiple interface options, including key fob, keypad and fingerprint. Electronic door access control.

University of Wisconsin Online

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