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Managing Generation Flux

I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
Albert Schweitzer

"Generation Flux describes the people who thrive best in an environment where ... the dizzying velocity of change has made chaos the defining feature of modern business," proclaims Robert Safian in "The Secrets of Generation Flux," in Fast Company (November 2012).  "It is a psychographic, not a demographic — you can be any age and be GenFlux.  Their characteristics are clear: an embrace of adaptability and flexibility; an openness to learning from anywhere; decisiveness tempered by the knowledge that business life today can shift radically every three months or so..."

e have grown up with certain assumptions about what works in an enterprise, what the metrics for success are, how we organize and deploy resources.  The bulk of those assumptions are now wrong.  The world in which we were raised and trained no longer exists....  In this world of constant change, following a single system or model is foolhardy — the companies that succeed will be nimble and ever-changing....

here exists no single model that leads to success.  Tolerating, accepting, and, yes, reveling in paradox is the approach demanded by our chaotic economy....  GenFlux leaders must encourage experimentation and implement efficient processes....  They must institutionalize constant change.  They must be ready to constantly throw aside previous assumptions."


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