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Being a Mature Observer

You must give some time to your fellow man. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.
Albert Schweitzer

"When a child care or teaching professional observes and selects child behavior for interpretation and acts on that interpretation, she must be not only informed, not only experienced, but well-balanced and mature," observes Sally Cartwright in her article, "To See Each Child with Wisdom, Humor, and Heart," which is included in the Beginnings Workshop book, Professionalism.  Cartwright continues...

"As educational psychologist Barbara Biber said, she needs to be 'so secure within herself that she can function with principles rather than prescriptions, that she can exert authority without requiring submission, that she can work experimentally but not at random, and that she can admit mistakes without feeling humiliated.'  These qualities are well chosen goals for each of us to emulate.  They will help to ensure the wise, unbiased observation, recording, and resulting professional action that all children deserve.  They will help to ensure our wisdom, humor, and heart."

Scholastic Big Day for PreK, Free online professional development - Watch Now!

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