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Using Humor with Children

Listening looks easy, but it's not simple. Every head is a world.
Cuban Proverb

"Laughter, silliness, and playfulness can help to make your interactions with children powerful," observe the authors of Powerful Interactions:  How to Connect with Children To Extend Their Learning (which this week qualifies for free shipping from Exchange).  They continue...

"Humor extends learning in many ways.  First, humor is play for the brain.  It makes the brain work in new ways.  Humor often involves playing with language....  Through humor children can develop phonological awareness and add words to their vocabularies.  As children learn to use humor to interact with others, they are learning a lifelong social skill....

"Seek out playful moments with each child.  Follow a child's lead or be the leader.  When a child laughs, find out what is tickling her funny bone and join the fun.  Once you know what makes each child laugh, you'll be able to have humorous interactions that will surely get a giggle."

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