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Happiness Boosters

The growth of the human mind is still high adventure, in many ways the highest adventure on earth.
Norman Cousins

"Happiness is not hereditary.  We do have some control over our emotional well being, and we can reap the benefits of what I call the 'happiness advantage,' if we try," observes Shawn Achor in Work and Family Life (May 2012).  Here are some ways that Achor recommends to boost your mood and raise your level of happiness.

"Meditate.  Neuroscientists have found that monks who spend years meditating actually grow their left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain most responsible for feeling happy.  But we don’t have to spend years in silence to experience this boost.  Take five minutes a day to breathe slowly and deeply.  Or use another form of meditation that works for you....

"Find things to look forward to.  Anticipating a future reward lights up the pleasure centers in the brain, much as the actual reward does.  One study found that people raised their endorphin levels simply by thinking about watching their favorite movie.....

"Commit acts of kindness.  Acts of giving to friends and strangers alike have been found to reduce stress and enhance mental health....

"Exercise a signature strength.  We’re all good at something, and each time we use that particular skill — whatever it is — we experience a burst of positivity....

"Believe in your ability to grow.  Studies by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck have shown that whether or not we believe our intelligence is changeable directly affects our achievement.  It’s a difference that she explains in terms of having either a “fixed mindset” or a “growth mindset.”  With a growth mindset, we can recognize our innate abilities, but can also believe in our potential for growth and change through application and experience."

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