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Making Controversial Announcements

Around here, we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
Walt Disney

"Any controversial decision can engender rumors, anxiety, and resistance," observes Steven Robbins in, "Seven Communication Mistakes Managers make," in Harvard Business Review OnPoint (Fall 2010).  He continues...

"So rather than announcing a controversial decision to an entire group, prep people one-on-one....  To forestall anxiety, open a dialogue with the other person... address the concern raised in response...

"Is the other person uncertain about the future?  Share the scenario you expect to unfold.

"Does the reorganization jeopardize a project?  Share plans for keeping it afloat.

"Demonstrate that you get it, keeping in mind that you can address emotion better with body language than with words.  Make sure yours conveys concern and empathy."

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