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Raising Money Online II

Wisdom is the reward for a lifetime of listening ... when you'd have preferred to talk.
D. J. Kaufman

"The Internet abounds with social-networking tools raising money for good works... but social media are no gold mine for do-gooders," reports the Economist (January 7, 2012).  "Fewer than half the non-profits surveyed in the latest Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark report got more than $10,000 a year from Facebook, and only 0.4% reported raising $100,000 or more."

"Allison Fine, co-author of The Networked Nonprofit, argues that social media offers a handy, low-cost way to build a network of supporters who share ideas and information.  But donations come only when the bonds are strong and the network is big..."

A study from Georgetown University found that "Americans who back causes through social media are often active in other ways too.  So a campaign that does not raise money at first may still lure supporters — and potential future donors."

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