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Dreaming Solutions

We do not quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

"When you fall asleep, you enter an alternative state of conciousness -- a time when true inspiration can strike," observes Deirdre Barrett in her article, "Answers in Your Dreams," in Scientific American Mind (November 2011). Intentionally trying to dream about a particular problem, Barrett notes, increases the chance that you will come up with a solution.  Here is how to train your dreams:

  1. Write down your problem and place this note next to your, bed along with a pen and paper and flashlight.
  2. Review the problem for a few minutes before going to bed.
  3. Once in bed, visualize the problem as a concrete image, if possible.
  4. Tell yourself you want to dream about the problem as you drift off to sleep.
  5. On awakening, lie quietly before getting out of bed. Note whether you recall any trace of a dream and try to invite more of the dream to return. Write it down.

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