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Collecting Online Donations

Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.
Carl G. Jung

In her Exchange book, Not Just Small Change: Fund Development for Early Childhood Programs, Roberta Bergman offers this advice...

"There should be an easy way for visitors to find your website and, once there, an easy way to make online contributions....  Your website is your showcase — a place to spotlight your program with photos and text and graphics depicting how valuable your work is.  Keep the information simple and focused.  Every page should strive for that desired emotional connection with the prospect, and every page should have a link (Donate Now) that takes the visitor directly to the page on which the person can make his or her gift...

"Websites offer an especially effective method of encouraging donors to make frequent contributions by enabling them to pledge monthly amounts by credit card.  A $30-per-month gift ('only $1 per day') seems more affordable than a year-end $360 gift.  Focus on obtaining these monthly gifts... and on showing appreciation for them."

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