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12 Ways to Motivate Staff

One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

In her Exchange article in the Exchange Essential "How to Motivate Staff," here are some quick ideas Sue Baldwin offers for motivating staff...

  1. Write the staff person a personal note catching them in the act of doing something positive.
  2. Highlight a “Staff of the Month” on the bulletin board.
  3. Give a dollar amount that can be spent for new equipment for their rooms.
  4. Offer an unscheduled break after a difficult situation within their classroom.
  5. Close the program to have a staff retreat at a local motel or bed and breakfast.
  6. Chocolate!
  7. Close the program during low attendance (before Labor Day or during the holiday season) so staff can redesign their classroom.
  8. Solicit positive comments from parents and pass them on to the teachers.
  9. Send staff to conferences and have a staff meeting following it to report on new ideas that can be incorporated into the program.
  10. Develop a mentorship program for new and experienced staff.
  11. During Week of The Young Child have a “staff appreciation” day.
  12. Celebrate holidays outside the program with a potluck evening activity, which could also include different self-care activities.

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