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Rate the Boss

The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.
Frida Kahlo, 1907-1954, artist

Robert Townsend provided a scorecard for rating the boss in Further Up the Organization (New York: Knopf, 1984). I suggest that if you are the boss, that you rate yourself on these ten items on a score of 0 to 10, and then have your employees do likewise (anonymously). This will not only point out areas where you need to improve, but will also reveal areas where employees' perception of your performance varies dramatically from your own.

My leader is...

  1. Available. If I have a problem I can't solve, he is there. But he is forceful in making me do my level best to bring in solutions, not problems.
  2. Inclusive. Quick to let me in on information of people who might be useful to me or stimulating or of long-term professional interest.
  3. Humorous. Has a full measure of the comic spirit. Laughs even harder when the joke's on him.
  4. Fair. Gives credit where credit is due, but holds me to my promise.
  5. Decisive. Determined to get at those little unimportant decisions that can tie up organizations for days.
  6. Humble. Admits his own mistakes openly — learns from them and expects his people to do the same.
  7. Objective. Knows the apparently important from the truly important and goes where she is needed.
  8. Tough. Won't let outsiders waste his time of his people's time.
  9. Effective. Teaches me to bring her mistakes with what I have learned and done about them. Teaches me not to interrupt her with possible good news on which no action is needed.
  10. Patient. Knows when to bite the bullet until I solve my own problems.

Find out what will...

Julie Bartkus, Speaker, Author & Staff Motivation Expert shares with you 5 strategies that will motivate your staff.

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