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The Power of One

Have patience! In time, even grass becomes milk.
Charan Singh

It's easy to feel powerless in the face of the massive challenges facing our planet, but every once in a while a story comes out that provides hope and inspiration. Ode Magazine (September, 2010) shared the story of Rachel Trovi from Langesund, Norway. She started working in the Philippines 20 years ago by herself, without any supporting organization. Here is the Ode report:

"On her first visit, Rachel walked alone among the poor of Smokey Mountain, also known as 'trash mountain.' She visited slum areas, distributed food, medicine and clothes, all purchased with her own money. Back home in Norway, she lectured about poverty in Manilla. Her advocacy became so great that the Ma'Ma Children's Center of Norway (MMCCN) was founded, which is still led by 80-year-old Rachel Tovi.

"MMCCN says it aims to 'help people help themselves' by educating the poor in the Philippines so they can become financially independent. MMCCN's work began with children and single mothers, but now includes older people, underage prisoners and slum families. MMCCN runs six preschools, three orphanages, a center for single mothers, a home for the elderly, a drop-in center for families in slums and a community center. The organization has paid for the education of some 26,000 children."

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