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Proactive About Gossip

They gave him a seashell: 'So you'll learn to love the water.' They opened a cage and let a bird go free: 'So you'll learn to love the air.' They gave him a geranium: 'So you'll learn to love the Earth.' And they gave him a little bottle sealed up tight. 'Don't ever, ever open it. So you'll learn to love mystery.'
Eduardo Galeano

For leaders of organizations who are frequent targets of gossip, Emily Anthes, writing in Psychology Today (June 2010; recommends a proactive response...

"Don't try to create a 'gossip-free workplace' — there will never be such a place.  What you should do is talk as directly as you can with your employees about plans and changes under way....  During times of struggle or transition, when gossip is likely to be most virulent, managers have a tendency to adopt a bunker mentality.  That's exactly the wrong instinct....  Instead, managers should be extremely proactive about communicating, even if it just means weekly e-mails stating:  Here's where we are, here's what you've heard, here's what we're still trying to figure out.  That behavior is the gossip medicine."

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