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Leaders Getting Older World Wide

"Don't be breakin' a shin on a stool that's not in your way."
–Irish proverb


One trend identified in the annual review published by The Economist, "The World in 2003", is that leaders are getting older. The article points out, "this is a matter of supply and demand: there will not be enough young people to fill managerial posts." For example, in the United States, the article cites, there are 45 million people between the ages of 35 and 44, and only 37 million between the ages of 25 and 34. While The Economist was speaking to the impact on business, clearly the same demographics apply to the early childhood community.

The July 2002 issue of Child Care Information Exchange included the article, "The Diverse World of Early Childhood" which surveyed the demographics of children and families around the world. You can find this article by clicking on the address below, and then typing in the term "diverse world" on the search tool on this page.

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