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Ready to Grow?

If we are going to have real peace, and win the war against violence, we must start with children. By settling disputes with their peers, children gain an understanding of how to respect the needs of others while meeting their own needs.
Betsy Evans, Conflict Resolution Specialist

Warren Bennis, a well-respected organizational guru and author of On Becoming a Leader (New York:  Addison-Wesley, 1989), suggests there are four properties that distinguish both organizations and individuals who are capable of growth and development...

  1. An ability to learn from experiences, to codify, and to store the learning.
  2. An ability to 'learn how to learn,' that is, to develop methodologies for improving the learning process.
  3. An ability to acquire and use feedback on it own performance, to develop a 'process orientation,' in short, to be self-analytical.
  4. An ability to direct one own destiny.

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You can read Exchange articles and receive CEUs from the University of Wiscsonsin-Stout on any of the following topics:

 For Teachers

  • Outdoor Play Environments
  • Food and Nutrition Challenges
  • Literacy in the Early Years
  • Serving Children with Special Needs
  • Managing Challenging Behaviors
  • Math in the Early Years
  • Brain Research Implications for Early Childhood
  • Involving Parents in Your Program
  • Observation and Assessment
  • Reggio Emilia Learning Experiences
  • Making Play Work
  • Social and Emotional Development






 For Directors

  • Staff Recruitment and Selection
  • Staff Challenges
  • Leadership in Early Childhood
  • Supervising Early Childhood Staff
  • Training Early Childhood Staff
  • Evaluating Early Childhood Programs
  • ECE Leadership Issues #1
  • Marketing Child Care Services
  • Managing Money
  • Maintaining a Safe Environment
  • Physical Environment and Room Arrangement
  • Organization Management
  • Observation
  • Teamwork
  • Communication

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