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No Fluff Training

To every man alive, one must hope it has in some way happened that he has talked with his more fascinating friends around a table on some night when all the numerous personalities unfolded themselves like great tropical flowers.
G. K. Chesterton

In the ExchangeEveryDay for Wednesday, "Make Learning Fun," I challenged readers to share their fun training ideas. [Note: It's not too late to share your stories — I hope to shape these into a future article in Exchange — with full credit given to those who share.]  One reader commented that fun training activities are mindless and serve no purpose.  Not dismissing her point entirely, I did a bit of research and found some tips on how to ensure that training "games" are beneficial and not just fluff.  In The Trainer's Tool Kit, Cy Charney offers this advice...

"Stretch the participants.  Games tend to work best when they use tools and techniques that aren't found in the employees' everyday working environment.  When you introduce new and different ways of thinking and doing things, you'll stretch employees' skills farther....

"Keep it light-hearted.  Healthy competition is fine as long as it's kept within the limits of good fun and education.  You can celebrate winners, but don't demean those who don't succeed.  Remember that the point of the game is for everyone to learn something....

"Focus your efforts.  The games you use in training should target specific principles that apply to participants' work and jobs.  Don't waste time on activities that lead to generalized ideas of observations."

Over 100 Articles on Play

That's right, Exchange's Value of Play CD Book includes over 100 articles from Exchange and the HighScope Foundation.  And the updated version includes the latest "Infant Toddler Toy Guide" by Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment.  Issues addressed by the 100+ articles include...

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