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The Rights of Children

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."
–Phyllis Diller


This message was shared with us by World Forum Alliance member, the Canadian Child Care Federation:

To enshrine the conviction that, as human beings, all children everywhere deserve to live in dignity and to be treated according to their best interests, in 1989, the United Nations developed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It outlines the rights of the child, and the responsibilities of families, caregivers and governments to uphold these rights. It is the most ratified human rights document in the world, unratified only by Somalia and the United States.

Children’s inherent rights fall into three basic groups:

Provision: the right to an adequate standard of living, health care, education and services, and to play.

Protection: the right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination.

Participation: the right to express their views about things that affect them and to participate in communities, programs and services for children.

As early childhood educators and practitioners, you are important role models. The way you respond to each child’s needs teaches children about their value as people. The way you help them resolve conflict teaches them about balancing and respecting everyone’s rights. When you provide age-appropriate activities based on principles of child development, you build each child’s skills and confidence.

To learn more about the Convention, go to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at

To learn more about the Canadian Child Care Federation, go to You may also want to check out these CCCF resources:

1. Respecting children’s rights in practice

2. Respecting children’s rights at home

3. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language – full colour poster (15" X 24") detailing each Article in the words of young children.

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