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Toys to Value — Toys to Avoid

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie

The 9th Annual Toy Action Guide produced by TRUCE (Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment), a national organization of educators concerned about the impact of media and commercial culture on children, provides a list of toys and trends to avoid as well as toys of value. It is available free online in both English and Spanish at

TRUCE recommends avoiding toys that bring violence into rescue-related play, link non-nutritious food to play, lure little girls into focusing on teenage behavior, equate money and shopping with fulfillment and fun, use electronics to over stimulate babies, or promote young children's interest in inappropriate content.

TRUCE recommends toys that promote dramatic play and manipulative play with small play objects, encourage respectful, non-stereotyped, nonviolent interactions among children, allow children to determine play, and help children develop skills important for further learning and a sense of mastery.

Exchange Resources on Play

Exchange has packaged six of its play resources into a single "Play Tool Kit" and is offering the entire set at a 37% discount. Resources in the kit include:


4 Out of the Box Training Kits (Print versions)


Advance Number and Letter Skills! Coggols Unique Learning Activities for: FREE Shipping- enter code EED315 or SAVE 15% on Entire Order – enter code EED355

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