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Support the World Forum When You Shop

The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues.
Abigail Adams

The World Forum Foundation is continually raising funds to support our projects on Peace Education, Nature Education, Global Leaders, AIDS and Young Children, Men in Early Childhood Education, and Teacher Educators. Now you can help us when you shop online!

Over 700 of the leading retailers and travel sites have joined forces with to donate a percentage of each purchase you make to the World Forum Foundation. It takes just a few seconds when you are getting ready to shop online to go to, enter "World Forum Foundation" as your charity, and then click through to your favorite store and shop as usual. Just a few places you can shop and support the World Forum: Amazon, iTunes, Apple, Nordstrom, Barnes & Noble, Dell,, Gap, Macy's, Expedia, LL Bean, and Target.

And, remember, you can also raise money for the World Forum when you search online. Learn how.

Reason #4 for Attending the 2009 World Forum

At what other conference will you have the opportunity to make friends for life with early childhood professionals from Vietnam, Germany, South Africa, China, Afghanistan, Paraguay, and Iraq? During the four days of the World Forum on Early Care and Education (June 16 - 19, 2009) you will have plenty of opportunities to meet and get to know many of the 600 delegates from 70 countries. Sessions, breaks, lunches, receptions, and tours are designed purposely to enable friendships to flourish. Check it out:

World Forum on Early Care and Education
Belfast, Northern Ireland
June 16 - 19, 2009

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