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Power of the Mind

If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Julia Sorel, author

The world of sports has provided some impressive insights on the power of the mind. A study reported in Scientific American Mind (November, 2008) followed the performance of athletes in a double blind test, half of whom were given human growth hormone (HGH) and half a placebo. Researchers asked participants if they thought they had been given HGH or the placebo. Those who guessed that they had been given HGH, but who actually had been given the placebo improved at four fitness tests measuring strength, endurance, power, and speed. Participants who guessed that they were given a placebo, but actually received HGH, showed no improvement in the four fitness tests.

Exchange Resources on Brain Development

For an in-depth look at brain research and its applications in early learning settings, check out these two Exchange books:

Beginnings Workshops Book #4 - Curriculum: Brain Research, Math, Science contains 25 articles including these four:

Beginnings Workshops Book #3 - Child Development contains 30 articles including these five:

Workplace Conflicts
Are you like many leaders who spend 30% - 80% of their time trying to resolve conflicts? Motivate Teachers has created an audio program designed to help you mediate workplace conflicts. Listen in to a segment of this audio program and print your FREE 6-page outline today. Click here!

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