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Help the World Forum Raise $100,000...

The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.
Oprah Winfrey

...Without spending a cent!

The World Forum Foundation conducts extensive fundraising efforts to allow early childhood professionals from economically challenged countries to participate in various World Forum events. You can easily support these efforts without spending one cent.

You can earn money for the World Forum Foundation each time you search the Internet. is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that will donate almost a penny per search, about half its advertising revenue. Use it just as you would any search engine. Here is how...

  1. Go to
  2. Enter "World Forum Foundation" as your charity.
  3. Search just as you would on any search engine.

Better yet, make Goodsearch your default search engine by following the instructions on the Goodsearch homepage.

Reason #2 to Attend 2009 World Forum

You will see your work through new eyes at the World Forum on Early Care and Education in Belfast, Northern Ireland. You will meet 600 early childhood professionals from 70 nations — from nations such as South Africa, Indonesia, Bolivia, Russia, China, Finland, Lebanon, Italy, India, and Egypt. You will learn what the challenges and opportunities there are in delivering early childhood services in their nations. You will make new friends for life from around the world. Learn more at

2009 Preschool Language and Literacy Calendar
The 2009 Preschool Language and Literacy calendar continues The Hanen Centre’s five-year tradition of providing educators and parents of children aged 3-5 years with a practical, research-based tool that promotes preschool children’s language and literacy development.

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