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Exchange at NAEYC

Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous.

This year, Exchange will not have a booth at the NAEYC Convention, but Exchange and the World Forum Foundation will be very present in the following activities. Print this guide and bring it with you.

Rusty Keeler, author of Exchange book, Natural Playscapes

Nancy Rosenow, Exchange writer and World Forum planner
Bonnie and Roger Neugebauer, Exchange and World Forum Foundation
Luis Hernandez, David Gleason, and Debra Sullivan, Exchange writers and World Forum planners
Bryan Nelson, Frances Carlson, and Don Piburn, Exchange writers and World Forum planners
Amelia Gambetti and Lella Gandini, Exchange writers and World Forum planners
Larry Schweinhart, Exchange writer and World Forum planner
Diane Levin, Exchange writer and World Forum planner
Margie Carter and Deb Curtis, Exchange columnists
Janet Gonzalez-Mena and Elsa Chahin, Exchange writers
Pam Schiller, Exchange writer
Suzanne Gellens, Exchange writer
Holly Elissa Bruno and Jo-Ann Spence, Exchange writers
Cecelia Alvarado, Exchange writer
LaVerne Warner and Sharon Lynch, Exchange writers

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