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Quality Advice from Charlie Chaplin

While we teach, we learn.

Charlie Chaplin once observed, "A day without laughter is a day wasted."

In early childhood we have developed very impressive yardsticks for quality. They outline key indicators such as group size, teacher qualifications, room design, scheduling, teacher focus, and curriculumn coherence. But in none of these guidelines does the necessity of laughter appear. When we visit early childhood programs, an early warning sign that all is not well is the absence of laughter.

When you hear children laughing, you instinctively know that they enjoy being in that environment. Just as importantly, if the adults in the center engage in laughter, you know that they are happy to be there as well. Joy is an important element of a healthy childhood. And, joy is an important element for healthy adults. So next time you step into your classrooms, keep your ears open for the laughter index.

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