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Measuring the Gender Gap

"Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken."
Frank Herbert

The World Economic Forum has developed a benchmarking tool to measure the size of the gender gap in nations.  The tool takes into account whether women have achieved full equality with men in five critical areas:  economic participation, economic opportunity, political empowerment, educational attainment, and health and well-being.

Using the tool, the Forum has rated 58 nations with significant markets on a scale of 1 to 7.  The ten countries with the highest rankings are:

1.  Sweden
2.  Norway
3.  Iceland
4.  Denmark
5.  Finland
6.  New Zealand
7.  Canada
8.  United Kingdom
9.  Germany
10.  Australia

The ten countries with the lowest rankings were:
49.  Venezuela
50.  Greece
51.  Brazil
52.  Mexico
53.  India
54.  Korea
55.  Jordan
56.  Pakistan
57.  Turkey
58.  Egypt

To read the full report, "Women's Empowerment:  Measuring the Global Gender Gap," go to:

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