This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on the the power of nature to nurture:
- Aesthetics and a Sense of Wonder
by Ruth A. Wilson
- A "Rich Diet" for Learning: A Multi-Sensory Aproach that Nourishes All Children
by Dana Miller
- Impacting Readiness: Nature and Nurture
by Jane M. Healy
- Kinder-Gardeners: The Power of Nature to Nurture
by Linda Hutchinson-Harmon
- Natural Connections: Children, Nature, and Social-Emotional Development
by Janet E. Thompson and Ross A. Thompson
- Exploring Plants, Insects, and Animals: Opportunities for Cultivating Empathy in Children
by Paul Belz
- Becoming Whole: Developing an Ecological Identity
by Ruth Wilson
- The Power of Nature to Help Children Heal
by Vicki Bohling-Philippi
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