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The Whole Child Alphabet: How Young Children Actually Develop Literacy

by Stacy Benge, M.S.
ITEM #: 3600588
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The Whole Child Alphabet is a lively and intelligent book that transforms how educators approach literacy. Connecting movement, play, and child-led activity to the foundational skills necessary for early literacy development, The Whole Child Alphabet is a timely invitation to active, joyful learning.


"Benge offers an inspiring book, teaching tool, and classroom guide that bridges practical experience and research to illustrate the value of play in her literacy framework. For anyone who cares about literacy development, this book will undoubtedly teach you better ways to support developing young minds."

- Lyn Lucas, Principal, Lucas Consulting

"The Whole Child Alphabet: How Young Children Actually Develop Literacy by Stacy Benge is a must-read for librarians, teachers, caregivers, and parents - all those who want the best early literacy education for young children! Benge adds insightful perspectives on letter recognition, sounds, and writing alphabet knowledge. Benge’s suggestions are a welcome change in pedagogy that includes incorporating a strengths-based, child-led, play-based approach to literacy in a developmentally appropriate environment. Read and discover how young children actually develop literacy, where discovery leads to a world of access and joyful development of alphabet knowledge."

- Mary Barbara Trube, EdD, Early Childhood Specialist, Platonium Mentoring & Coaching Consultants

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    The Idea
    What is your favorite letter?
  • The Cornerstones of Language and Literacy
  • Learning the Alphabet Begins with Interest and Connection
  • Letter Recognition Begins with Vision
  • Letter Sounds Begin with Phonemic Awareness
  • Writing the Alphabet Begins with Physical Development
  • Alphabet Knowledge Begins with Child-Led Play
  • Moving Forward
  • Conclusion
    Change Begins with Our Pedagogy
  • Bibliography

176 Pages

About the Author

Stacy BengeStacy Benge is an early childhood speaker who approaches learning in the early years with practicality and common sense. Standing firm on the truth that children learn best through simple, authentic experiences, Stacy advocates for child-led play to build solid foundations for child development. In addition to a Master of Science degree in Human Development and Family Studies, Stacy spent 10 years in the early childhood classroom teaching children ages birth to five. As she has for the past 20 years, Stacy shares her passion for child development with fellow early learning professionals with enlightening and informative presentations. Stacy lives in Texas with her husband, Jason, and is a proud Aggie mom of her two sons, Mason and Jackson.

ISBN: 978-0-942702-85-9

The Whole Child Alphabet: How Young Children Actually Develop Literacy