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The Thinking Brain

by Pam Schiller
May/June 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-thinking-brain/5012149/

The human brain is the most fascinatingly organized three pounds of matter on this planet, maybe even in the universe. Although often compared to a computer, it is far more complex and far more capable. In fact, the human brain takes in and organizes more information in one day than a computer is capable of processing in years.

The human brain is responsible for imagining and creating the spaceship that took us to the moon, the Alaskan pipeline, laser surgery, baseball, the automobile, the computer, the "Blue Danube," the Mona Lisa, electricity, spaghetti, and play dough. All of this from an organ that is about the size of a grapefruit and that, even then, utilizes only a fraction of its capacity.

Our understanding of the capabilities of the human brain has undergone several modifications. With advancements of technology, we have come to a whole new understanding of how the brain is constructed and how it functions. We have moved from an unsophisticated model that suggested the head (brain) was responsible for our thinking and the body was responsible for everything else to the knowledge that our brain is responsible for our actions and emotions as well as our thoughts.

Long before birth, the ...

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