This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on navigating tough situations:
- When a Child Discloses Abuse
Lori S. Kornblum and Daniel Pollack
- Negligent Supervision, Counting, and Reporting
Michelle H. McGinnis, Brian S. Dicker, and Veronica Getskow
- Talk to the Hand - Confronting Workplace Bullying
Rebekah Shurtleff-Ainscough
- Teasing, Bullying, and Being Left Out - Are They an Inevitable Part of Childhood?
Meg Thomas
- Sharing Developmental Concerns with Parents
Craig Gibson and Robert Naseef
- All About Biting
Linda Crisalli
- Tattoos and Piercings in Early Childhood Workplaces - Are Restrictive Dress Codes in Line with Developmentally Appropriate Practice?
Heather Bernt-Santy
- Handling Difficult Moments with Demanding Families
William Mosier and Ross Glen Chandler Nunamaker
- Moving Staff Through Difficult Issues
Margie Carter with Ann Pelo
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