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One balmy spring day, I was asked to substitute for the assistant teacher in the after-school class at the child care center where I was a substitute in the toddler room. When I came into the classroom, I was taken aback by all the things on the walls. There wasn't an empty space to be seen. Lists of rules, class schedules, parent notices, safety regulations, health regulations, school calendars, and children's and teachers' birthdays were tacked up everywhere I looked. Since the May Day celebration was that week, there were pictures of flowers in every other available spot, including the glass inside and outside of the two doors, the mirror over the sink, and the three huge windows along one wall.From the moment the first child arrived until two and a half hours later when the last child left with a parent, there was a full schedule of programmed activities. I was tense, exhausted, and relieved when it was over and determined never to substitute in that room again. Coping with 24 children ranging in age from 5 1/2 to 12 was enough to wear anyone out, or so I thought.
Then one beautiful, crisp day ...