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Fortune Cookie Philosophy: Using Motivation Effectively with Young Children

ITEM #: 4400607

What's In This Kit?
This training kit is designed to provide teachers with strategies and techniques for using intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation to support children’s learning through play. It contains:

  • Expected training outcomes
  • Preparation instructions
  • Training strategies and tips
  • Implementation steps
  • Follow-up activities for teachers
  • Follow-up activities for administrators/directors
  • A learning assessment
  • A training evaluation/further needs assessment
  • A resource list
  • The article "Fortune Cookie Philosophy: Using Motivation Effectively with Young Children” by Tricia S. Kruse
  • A training certificate to award to teachers for attendance and participation
  • A certificate for the trainer and other presenters

Who's the Target Audience?
The target audiences for this kit are beginning, intermediate, and advanced teachers. This kit will introduce teachers to effective ways to motivate young children.

Teacher Skill Level
beginning intermediate advanced
Children's Age Level
infants toddlers preschoolers school-agers birth to 8

Kit Timeline:
Preparation time for this kit is 1.5 hours. Implementation time is estimated at 2.0 hours.

Training Outcomes:

  1. Teachers will explain the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and be able to give examples of how each type of motivation is used in their classrooms.
  2. Teachers will identify how routines can tap into children’s intrinsic motivation by making active choices about what they want to do.
  3. Teachers will explore the impact of the physical environment on children’s intrinsic motivation.
  4. Teachers will identify ways to create appropriate environments to help children engage and participate educationally in activities they select.
  5. Teachers will identify the role adult interaction plays in influencing children’s play, social interactions, and motivation.
  6. Teachers will practice three key teaching strategies for increasing children’s intrinsic motivation through interactions and using encouragement.
  7. Teachers will describe four ways to involve families in understanding the importance of motivating their children in ways that encourage learning.

These training outcomes address the following:

  • 1.A.01, 1.A.05, 1.B.04, 1.B.08, 1.D.05, 1.F.02, 2.B.04, 3.A.04, 3.E.01, 3.G.04, and 3.G.10 of the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Performance Criteria (2005), www.naeyc.org/accreditation/academy.asp
  • 1, 2, 4a, 4b, and 4d of NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation, Initial Licensure Level (2003), www.naeyc.org/accreditation/faculty/degrees.asp
  • 1304.21(a)(1)(iv), 1304.21(c)(a)(2)(i), 1304.21)a)(3)(i)(B), 1304.21(a)(3)(ii), 1304.21(a)(4)(i-iv), 1304.21(c)(1)(iv), 1304.21(a)(5)(i-iii), 1304.21(b)(1)(ii-iii), 1304.40(a)(4 & 5), 1304.40(d)(2), and 1304.40(e)(1, 3) of Head Start Performance Standards (Federal Register, November. 5, 1996, Volume 61, Number 215), www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/hsb/performance/
  • D8, D10, E6, E9-13, F2, and F6 of the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs, National Association of Child Care Professionals, www.naccp.org

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