This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on ideas and strategies for designing intentional play spaces and learning environments:
Play Spaces as an Antidote to our Chaotic World
by Jeffrey Lindstrom
Designing Play Spaces for Everyone
by Jeffrey Lindstrom
Heart-Centered Environmental Design: A Fresh Perspective
by Sandra Duncan and Gary Bilezikian
A YES Environment: Promoting Positivity in Your Classroom
by Kaila Weingarten
A Place Where All Children Can Thrive - Strategies for the Trauma-informed Classroom
by Barbara Tokarz
Using the Element of Surprise in Environmental Design
by Michelle Pratt
The Secret Garden: A Journey in Organic Design
by Jonny Holtom
Children as Designers of their Own Space
by Claire Warden
Making it Work for Everyone: Friendly Additions for Adults in Spaces Designed for Children
by Jill Primak
Energizing the Traditional Classroom Table
by Sandra Duncan
- Emergent Environments: Involving Children in Classroom Design
by Sarah Felstiner
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