Out of the Box Trainings

"I love your training kits. They are well received by my staff...your kits are a godsend."
Brenda Zimmerman
Topeka Lutheran School Center for Young Children, Topeka, KS

Out of the Box Trainings are ready-to-go professional development tools that will deepen the effectiveness of your team.

Each training includes step-by-step instructions for preparing, conducting, and evaluating your training session. An article from Exchange magazine serves as the foundation topic addressed and is included as a handout. Out of the Box Trainings are flexible, allowing you to incorporate your own ideas and exercises to meet any special needs of your staff.

Out of the Box Trainings are available in a downloadable PDF format. Review the topics below and order today!

*Certification and state licensing requirements for early childhood educators vary significantly. To find out if Out of the Box Trainings will be accepted for your requirements, we recommend that you contact your certifying or state licensing agency.

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