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Your Views on a Director Credential

May/June 1996
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/your-views-on-a-director-credential/5010972/

Your Views on a Director Credential

In the January issue of Child Care Information Exchange, we asked readers to give us their views on the concept of a credential for center directors. Nearly 400 of you took us up on our offer. Here is what you told us:

_ A director credential would be valuable.

Two out of every three respondents agreed that a director credential would be "an extremely valuable mechanism for improving center quality." One in two agreed it would be "a valuable mechanism for marketing a center to parents."

_ A director credential should be voluntary.

Two out of three respondents agreed that a credential should be "voluntary, designed to recognize directors with exceptional skills." About one in two agreed that "a center with a credentialled director should be reimbursed at a higher rate."

_ The earning of a director credential should be open-ended.

Three out of four respondents agreed that a director credential should be "open-ended - you should be able to decide whether you will earn each component by participating in training or demonstrating your current skills." Less than one in three wanted a credential to be totally performance based, and only one in four favored a totally ...

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