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World Forum 2003 Conference Report - Acapulco, Mexico

July/August 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/world-forum-2003-conference-report-acapulco-mexico/5015261/

Program and Participants
The fifth World Forum on Early Care and Education took place May 13-16, 2003, in Acapulco, M‚xico, with the largest attendance of any World Forum . . .

_ Over 670 delegates from 73 nations registered for the World Forum. Unfortunately, 36 delegates from 18 nations were denied entry visas by the Mexican government. Nations excluded were Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Krygyzstan, Nigeria, Romania, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Zambia.

_ Most delegates were center directors, NGO leaders, and trainers. However, this year the Forum was enriched by the active participation of the Mayor of Bogota, Colombia, and the Ministers of Education from Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, and Singapore.

_ Delegates participated in over 60 plenaries and workshops on such varied topics as leadership, advocacy, HIV/AIDS, media violence, infant/toddler care, managing creativity, staff development, curriculum models, indicators of quality, and worldwide early childhood trends.

First Hand in Cuernavaca, M‚xico
First Hand in M‚xico provided guests the opportunity to experience Mexican education, hospitality, culture and community during our two day visit. Lourdes Aguilar and the hosts schools gave us tours to various public and private schools in the area. On May 9, 2003 we were given the special treat of ...

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