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Working with a Board of Directors - Making the Partnership Stronger

by Cindy Ratekin, Ph.D., and Gary Bess, MSW
November/December 1996
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/working-with-a-board-of-directors-making-the-partnership-stronger/5011203/

If you are working with a nonprofit child care center, then you are under the direction of a board of directors. You may have little or no experience working with boards. On the other hand, the board members of your organization may have little or no experience working with child care centers. What is the role of the board of directors, and how can the child care staff and director work with the board to produce the best results for your center?

The board of directors and the staff are the two pillars on which a child care center rests. If either pillar is weak, the center runs the risk of an imbalance, which, if not corrected, can lead to major decline - if not altogether toppling - into chaos.

But why should this happen? Isn't it simply a matter of clear definition of who does what and when?

One answer is offered by Herman and Heimovics (1991), who speak of the assumption that organizations are "unitary, rational actors":

In many nonprofit organizations the differing perspectives between service delivery and fund-raising units, between paid professionals and volunteers, and between clinically prepared and management-trained staff also make achieving unity difficult.

This article will focus ...

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