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Wonder, NACC newsletter

November/December 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/wonder-nacc-newsletter/5021494/

Nature’s Diversity at Their Fingertips

This edition of Wonder explores the following Universal Principle for Connecting the World’s Children with Nature:

We believe it is important that children have daily access to nature-based outdoor and indoor environments in their early childhood programs and schools.

(Find the complete list of principles in the Environmental Action Kit at worldforumfoundation.org/nature.)

Before you read about global educators’ creative ideas for supporting children’s daily connections with nature, we urge you to try an activity to help you remember how nature can both comfort and inspire. Find five minutes and hold some bit of nature in your hands. Learn about it with all of your senses. Look for the tiniest details. Five minutes might seem like too long to really focus on one small item, but stick with it. You might be surprised by what you discover. See how many different ways there are to explore and experience it.
• What do you notice about that bit of nature now that you hadn’t before?
• What do you wonder about it?
• What would you like to do with it next?
• How does it feel to be ‘in the moment’ for just five minutes?

Now, What About the Children ...

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