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Will You Remember? - Taking a Child Care Program's Past into the Future

by Edna Runnels Ranck
November/December 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/will-you-remember-taking-a-child-care-programs-past-into-the-future/5010691/

If our nation's history is stored in the attics and basements of its people, then the record of the early childhood profession rests in the file drawers and closets of its child care centers and programs. As Exchange readers know, child care programs that started in the late 19th century are now celebrating their centenary anniversaries (November/December 1990, November/December 1995), while all centers are approaching some sort of landmark celebration - 5, 10, 15, etc. Looking back always inspires memories and comparisons. But more uses than celebrations exist for seemingly outdated and no longer necessary documents and materials. The statement you may hear - "If you haven't used it in a year, throw it out" - does not apply to all documents. There is valuable information in all of those files!

But a warning must be issued here! Unless the salvaged items are maintained and stored properly, future directors, if they find anything at all, will only discover undated and disintegrating documents, unlabeled photographs, unidentified, yellowed newspaper articles, and materials with no titles and no meaning. These problems can be avoided with some basic information about building an archives, a limited amount of space, ...

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