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Why Inclusion Benefits Everyone - Insights From a Parent

by Terrell Walton
May/June 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/why-inclusion-benefits-everyone-insights-from-a-parent/5013976/

While the thought of including children with special needs may seem daunting to some providers of early education, the center my daughter attends embraces inclusion as the norm. For this, I am ever grateful.

My Search

I was stunned when my second child was born with a cleft lip and alveolus. The first year of her life was a series of surgeries, constant medical care, doctor visits, and feeding dilemmas. On the anniversary of her first major surgery, I was told that on top of the medical issues (more surgeries, more recovery time), the physical differences and resulting emotional trauma, she would need speech therapy.

I had thought my life was getting back to normal and was looking forward to time alone with my work. Instead, Gabrielle would need more of my attention, more of my time, and more of my energy. Already overwhelmed by the constant drama of family life, I began an extensive search. After a number of disappointments I found The Early Learning Center at Winston Prouty.

A Haven for Gabrielle

"This isn't just a day care center," a firm voice warned me during an initial call. "We have an actual curriculum. We're an inclusive early learning center."

As I stand ...

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