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Why Boards Don’t Work

by Roger Neugebauer
January/February 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/why-boards-dont-work/5017906/

Invariably, whenever Exchange surveys center directors about their major frustrations, near the top of the list for non profit directors appears, “working with a board of directors.” Boards are either viewed as much too involved �" meddling in day-to-day matters that should not be their concern �" or too little involved �" requiring too much maintenance from the director.

As will be noted later on, there are certainly some structural challenges that complicate the relationship between the director and the board. However, given proper attention, a board of directors can be a source of satisfaction, not frustration, for a director. This article will review what can go wrong with a board/director relationship and then share some ideas on what can go right.

What can go wrong?

In over a quarter of a century in the field, I have served on the boards of eight national organizations and six local centers and spent time in hundreds of other non profit centers. In all these experiences, I have seen a great deal go wrong in director/board relationships. Here are the most common problems:

• The board as rubber stamp
A board can abdicate its responsibility either by becoming so apathetic that it fails ...

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